Not first hand but have seen the issue happen to some relatives. What model by government are you talking about... … in Finding Organs During Medical Emergency 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
This isn’t a common problem and is more of a software problem that vendors need to implement. I think it’s … in Annoying notifications at at work hours 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
The dump of plastics is a serious issue that’s causing many environmental effects. For example, in Bangalore all the fish … in Recycling Plastic Waste (or) Upcycling it 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
Facebook does more than just remind on b'days... It even has one nearby feature that allows me to know who … in Keeping in touch with our contacts 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
Doesn't JustDial work out as a good solution to this problem? There was something called YellowPages which my dad's generation … in Word-of-mouth referrals: offline services/retail 0 Upvote(s) 1 Downvote(s)
This is a good problem which I've faced. I have a wonderful book library which I built and all my … in Tracking things borrowed and returning them 1 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
I mentioned this in my last comment—"just last week I had to stand in queue at ‘More’ department store for … in Long Queues at billing counters in shops 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
Agreed. I just shared my thoughts on payment because the sub-discussion was on that. Since @dhanasekar mentioned sodexo I suggested … in Long Queues at billing counters in shops 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
Shops here can adopt paying with bitcoins. Apparently, many shops in the US allow this and it’s quick. Also, there’s … in Long Queues at billing counters in shops 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
Let me introduce myself—I’m a full-time freelancer and I have done a lot of open source work. If anyone has … in Getting help from expert developers 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
You basically said what I wanted to say—esp. the part about "not some retarded version” encapsulates the entirety of the … in Connecting millions of Indians without internet 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
I use VLSub and it’s great. I use the Search by Hash function which usually finds one subtitle made specifically … in Captions for online videos 1 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
I agree that you need to get the fundamentals right. But it should be tailored for the modern approaches rather … in (re)training Engineering Graduates 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
I have been building an app that is gradually solving this problem. Here’s the link >>
It’s the first app … in Reducing Traffic Accidents on the Road 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)
Agree that the internet is a great solution but not everybody has it. The problem is indeed with the education … in (re)training Engineering Graduates 0 Upvote(s) 0 Downvote(s)