• Learning Parenthood Skills and lack of a Support System

    Parenting is getting complex everyday. Nowadays kids are over smart and the generation gap and fast changing world keeps both the kids and parents , a greater space. Unlike older days, parents rely completely on the school and they are hardly able to participate in the child’s development. There...

  • Public Storage Space

    When I need to dump unwanted household stuff or move out temporarily or remodel the current house or relocate to another city for 6 months and be back, there is not much option to dump all the household items somewhere. In the US, public storage spaces are very common....

  • Making Maths fun to learn

    Many children hate mathematics. Most of them can’t solve maths problems.Parents and teachers also find it tough to teach math concepts and ideas. It is among the hardest subjects that children could have in school. According to ASER 2014 – Ability of students in 3rd & 5th standard, doing...

  • Modernising Small Scale Farming / Agriculture

    There is a lot of aligned sentiments towards this problem. Thanks to our inheritance system, most farmers have managed to divide and sub-divide their lands to their kids and that in return has left us with a very unique situation where a lot of farmers today have lands where...

  • Simplify Hire of Trucks for Companies

    Companies Looking to Hire Trucks to move Cargo (especialy full truck loads) from One Part of the Country to Another Currently have to deal with Transporters i.e Transport Companies for placing vehicles. More often than not, they are faced with being overcharged where a large chunk of the payment...

  • Education to simplify Investing and Finance

    Finance and investing literature is full of jargon. To make matters worse, financial products are complicated and regulations keep changing all the time. Mutual funds were invented so the common investor could participate in equity markets. But now mutual funds are getting hard to keep up with, along with...

  • Finding Good Tailors and Clothes that truly fit (for women)

    I am observing this since 2 years. The context here is for women, but it can be applied to gents also. Problem 1: We buy clothes like Saree and Dress materials offline. We will choose tailors suggested by friends or neighbors. Then they will take the measurements and will...

  • Software Partner for Chinese Hardware OEMs

    Chinese hardware OEMs are some of the most innovative companies out there. They find ways to reduce cost and implement functionality that rivals the giants. Although they don’t get involved in R&D so much, their knockoff products are almost just as good as the original ones. But their biggest...

  • The Public Consultation Process is Broken

    As of late there is a lot of uproar about the way development is happening in this country. On a city, state, national level - being a growing economy means there are hundreds of policy related decisions being taken everyday. Policies that have long term implications as to how...

  • Never sure where to go to fix electronics

    Phones, fridges, microwave ovens or laptops break. People often don’t know where to go and who to trust. There is no price transparency and endless follow ups are required to make anything happen.

  • Efficiently Managing Disaster Relief

    With the Chennai rains fresh on our minds, it seems that our ability to react and come back in cases of disasters and at-times cases like the Paris attacks, is a fundamental part of society, yet is rather weak. All communication is dependent on mobile networks now which was...

  • Finding Interesting People and building meaningful relationships

    There are two interesting opportunities in this space. Our world is expanding, and as the saying goes you want to surround yourself by people who think in the same wavelength as you - but its hard to figure where to meet people (and plays and movies and conferences dont...

  • Tracking Pregnancy and fetal Health

    Every pregnant lady is always worried about her health and her baby’s health and growth. She always have the following questions: Am I eating right? Is my baby getting enough nutrition from what I am eating? Is the growth good? Should I be exercising? How much? Are my sugar...

  • Reducing Traffic Accidents on the Road

    Statistics of road accidents in India: the total number of road crashes has increased marginally from 4.86 lakh (486,000) in 2013 to 4.89 lakh (489,000) in 2014. The number of fatalities has also gone up by about 1.5%. Thirteen states - Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Madhya...

  • Airline luggage Allowance Limitation

    In international travels, we sometimes have more luggage allowance than we need and sometimes we have less. For me, in my last few visits, I was traveling very light but had about 30KGs of allowance. I saw a fellow passenger ahead of me (who was traveling with an infant)...

An Initiative by The Startup Centre