How to make a pitch (at In50hrs)?
We've done a post earlier on how to pitch to a team mate. Since we are scaling up to a few more locations, we thought it would make sense for folks to understand the format of what goes into a pitch when you attend In50hrs.
Each Pitch in In50hrs is timed at 3 minutes. For an effective pitch, this is the outline to follow:
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Explain the problem statement.
3. Explain the solution you are proposing
4. Briefly mention what your strengths are, what you bring to the table, and what you are looking for.
If you'd like a breakup of the time, the recommended format is: 30 seconds - Two Minutes - One minute and 30 seconds.
Now, remember what the adage says, "Practice makes perfect". Practice your pitch before you arrive at the event, it makes all the difference.
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